Web Designer
Ryan Siu

Cheryl Okuda's Manifest project to tell a story of how children and dance has greatly impacted her life and the personal growth and awakening one can have when connecting with children.

Work In Progress' All Things Disney Set

A piece I quickly filmed for Kapwa Modern to help promote their upcoming spring auditions.

For another friend of mine, Nicki Niemet - when you've had enough - "you're out"

Filmed for Nonstop Dance Productions to showcase their teens.

Cheryl Okuda's competition piece for her studio

For my friend Cheryl Okuda and Derrick Appigo in providing storyboard shooting and progression of complete cinematic vision.

Work In Progress' Workshop Fundraiser featuring Gabby Miller & Vanessa Rae De Leon and Cheryl Okuda & Austin Lim

For those who have always wondered what we dancers do when we're not busy impressing the world with our dance moves like the dougie or cat daddy - we gather our thoughts together to come up with new shenanigans everyday.

To help promote Work In Progress' Summer Fundraiser to head to Hip Hop International 2013

Pieced together the clips to create this timeless piece for Design Dance Company